Memoirs of Twyning Camp 1922 by S M Thorne
August 26th – a fine morning – and 25 excited Scouts and Cubs awaiting the Lorry at East End Hall.
It was refreshing to see “King Sol” reigning once again – after such a long absence from this little corner of England. Little wonder then that all were looking forward to fine weather and a “Scouty” camp.
The lorry having duly arrived. It was the work of a few minutes to load up our baggage. This having been accomplished there was a general scramble for a good “seat”. These were however scarce, and many perched themselves in most precarious positions – always be it noted, on someone else’s kit bag.
An hours journey brought us to Twyning. It was still fine but certain “work-dodgers” were disgusted to find that the builder of the lorry, had failed to measure the width of the meadow gate before planning his dimensions for the Daimler in question. However, this only meant an extra two hours work carting baggage and equipment to the camp site, and be it said there were some who actually smiled and whistled while they were doing it.
Our camp site was ideal. Within view of the “Sleepy Avon” – yet iasta way from it, we found for ourselves, a few days resting place in a delightful paddock facing “Twyning Park” the picturesque home of our kind hostess Mrs Batter.
Did I say resting place? Ask Rover Messer who took in hand the work of pitching tents he will tell you that a tents a tent for a ’that’ even if the poles have got a bit mixed up and consequently there is an air space of about six inches below the valances.
Our first day in camp soon passed – and so did the fine weather, evening saw the arrival of several Rovers who spent the weekend in camp.
For a moment, memory is burred – can see rain! rain!!, rain!!! We should have seen a good deal more too – had not Mrs Batter kindly place Twyning Village Hall at our disposal. This was about ideal – as we could both partake of meals – and sleep there, not at one and the same time however! How Harold enjoyed stoking up the kitchen range – and he did not burn the pastry. Was this accident or design.
Fortunately we were able to get out on scouting expeditions on one or two occasions. There is one – Widdows by name (he of the dog) who knows exactly what “ an un’edged first-class macadamised road” is. On this particular occasion they so learned from “ Butler” that when they milk a Camel they tie it’s head to it’s tail. You should soon qualify for your naturalists badge young man.
Our visit to Ripple Church was most interesting. We found here a chained copy of the reprinted “Bishop’s Bible” and a set of twelve well preserved “Misere” seats.
The inclement weather prevented any extensive us of the boat but there was a bathing parade every day.
Camp without “parents day” would be quite lacking in it’s social duties. We were glad to again welcome such a party of parents as visited us on September 2nd. I am told that everyone had a good time that day. They brightened up everything – even the weather and from the moment they arrived we had no more rain. Oh! You Parents why did you not come a week ago.
The fruit growers in Twyning said they could not get rid of their plums. Well all I can say is that this was not the fault of the 7th C. M. Troop. One and all did their best to lighten the load of the trees.
Our Editor will be tiring of me by now but I must beg of him to allow me to record one more vision of camp, that last scene before striking the tents.
All Scout, Cubs and Officers were on parade to meet Mrs Batter and bid her “Au Revoir” – In three scout cheers, they thanked her for her unvoinded kindness. No words of mine can give her adequate thanks for all she did for us in camp. It was not so much her gift of vegetables and milk – nor that excellent tea which she so kindly thought for the welfare and comfort of our boys – that has endeared her memory to the minds of all those members of the 7th Ch. Troop who had the privilege of meeting her this year.
In conclusion to all those kind friends who supported our Camp Fund and enabled us to spend such a useful healthy and happy Camp we heartily say “Thanks”
S. M.
Published in the ‘Charltonian’ October 1922